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5 Medications To Avoid Before And After Top Surgery

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Top Surgery Medication Considerations

When you’re getting ready to undergo an FTM double mastectomy, there are a number of preparations you need to make. Making sure that you’re as healthy as possible before surgery to encourage healing and prevent complications is the first step to achieving the results you’re after. An important way to reach that goal is to understand the medications that you may be taking, so that you avoid those that could cause problems before, during, or after surgery. The following are medications that can lead to complications or slow down the healing process.

  • High Blood Pressure Medication: Doctors often prescribe medication to help patients with hypertension, or high blood pressure. These drugs help to lower blood pressure, but they can also interact with anesthesia and lead to issues during surgery. If you’re taking medication to treat hypertension, your plastic surgeon may recommend that you refrain from taking it the day of your FTM double mastectomy to prevent any harmful interactions from occurring.
  • Aspirin And Blood-Thinning Drugs: Physicians often recommend that patients with a history of heart trouble take aspirin. By inhibiting platelet production, aspirin helps reduce the chance of a blood clot forming, which lowers the risk of a heart attack. Aspirin may benefit patients under normal circumstances, but during surgery, it can lead to excessive blood loss. Most doctors advise patients to stop taking aspirin and other blood-thinning drugs such as Coumadin at least seven days prior to their FTM double mastectomy.
  • SSRIs: There are a number of antidepressant medications on the market. Studies have shown that SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) may cause serious complications during and after surgery. Examples of SSRIs include Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Celexa, and Paxil. Consult with your doctor about the best options for preventing issues related to SSRIs and other antidepressant medication.
  • Medication To Treat Pain: Some pain medications, such as fentanyl and suboxone, could negatively interact with anesthesia. If your family doctor has prescribed medication to help you cope with chronic pain, you’ll need to inform your plastic surgeon. Your doctor may recommend making changes to your pain management plan prior to your FTM double mastectomy.
  • Herbal Remedies: You may believe that herbal remedies and other popular health products won’t affect the outcome of your surgery. But that may not be the case. Echinacea, a common herbal remedy for colds, can increase the risk of infection and impair wound healing if taken before or after your FTM double mastectomy. Ephedra, which is used to enhance physical performance and increase weight loss, may raise the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
  • Talk To Your Doctor About Possible Drug Interactions: It’s important that you give your plastic surgeon a list of your current medications and supplements during your initial FTM double mastectomy consultation. Your doctor can make specific recommendations and provide you with a complete list of medications to avoid. Understanding how these and other medications can impact your health will protect you from unwanted complications. You’ll achieve the FTM transition results you want while supporting the healing process.