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With gender affirming body masculinization surgery at GraceMed x McLean Clinic, thousands of patients have felt more confident in their bodies. To make sure every patient walking through our doors feels safe, comfortable, and happy, we prioritize patient-centered care!
Is it time for you to begin your surgical gender affirming journey?
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Gender Affirming
Surgeries Performed
Given that fat distribution between the male and female body is very different, body contouring can help anyone to close the fat distribution gap and achieve a body that is more masculine. When body contouring surgical procedures are used for this end goal, they are known collectively as body masculinization surgery, which is tpyically made up of the following:
• Liposuction: This surgical procedure consists of removing fat from certain parts of the body that are typically resistant to diet and exercise, such as the hips, thighs, and buttocks among other places in order to achieve a more traditionally masculine appearance.
• Tummy tuck: Abdominoplasty—known as a"tummy tuck"—is a masculinizing body contouring procedure used to make the abdomen thinner and more firm. It involves removing excess fat and skin from the middle and lower abdomen in order to tighten the abdominal wall muscles and fascia.
• Brachioplasty: More commonly known as an arm lift, brachioplasty is a surgical procedure used in body masculization to reshape and provide more defined upper arms as well as the adjacent area of chest wall.
Not all bodies are the same though. This is why body masculinization surgery should be tailor-fit for the needs and goals of each individual. Some may succeed on liposuction alone in achieving their desired look, while some may need additional body contouring treatments such as the tummy tuck or Brachioplasty.
Request More InfoAll procedures under the umbrella term of body contouring and body masculinization surgery are invasive. This means that the body’s capacity to heal is very important and why overall good health is a must.
The ideal candidate is at a stable weight, has healthy habits, and does not have unhealthy habits like smoking or drinking that can impede the healing process. Conditions like diabetes can also lead to poor wound healing—meaning if you have this condition, this will need to be discussed first with your physician.
But beyond the physical aspect of these procedures, the ideal candidate should also be at least 16 years of age and is certain of this permanent bodily change.
Whether you undergo body masculinization surgery or any other medical procedure, adequate preparation is key to achieving the best results possible. The following tips will boost the healing power of your body and minimize the risk of adverse reactions after top surgery. You'll also receive detailed instructions from McLean Clinic on how to prepare for your body contouring procedures.
The healing process differs from patient to patient. There may be some who recover faster than others. It is expected to feel some soreness and discomfort for the first 24 to 48 hours following surgery as the anesthesia wears off. There will be limitations to your movement.The following tips can help you recover quickly and smoothly:
Body Masculinzing Contouring procedures have some risks, just like any medical procedure. As part of your consultation, your plastic surgeon will explain to you the strategies and precautions that can be taken to ensure a safe and successful procedure.
Body Masculinizing Contouring procedures have some risks, just like any medical procedure. As part of your consultation, your plastic surgeon will explain to you the strategies and precautions that can be taken to ensure a safe and successful procedure.
The main risks for these types of masculinization surgery include the following: poor wound healing, prolonged swelling, infections, fluid accumulation, unfavourable scarring, numbness or changes in skin sensation, fat necrosis, and asymmetry that may need revisional surgery.
The process of body masculinization is a life-changing procedure that confirms your gender. It is disappointing to see that there is still transgender discrimination in healthcare, and that being harassed or misgendered may discourage patients from seeking medical treatment.
McLean Clinic has developed a reputation as one of the most welcoming and accepting surgical centers in Canada for the LGBTQAI+ community. With our extensive experience, we are well positioned to understand how gender affirming surgical procedures can positively influence the lives of transgender and non-binary individuals. Our expert surgeons have performed body masculinization surgery on thousands of patients, and the results have been extremely positive. During your experience at McLean Clinic, you can rest assured that you will be in safe and comfortable hands.
Liposuction is used in body masculinization surgery (BMS) to create a more traditional masculine physique from feminine curves. Those assigned male at birth (AMAB) tend to carry their weight in their upper body, while those assigned female at birth (AFAB) carry it in their buttocks, hips, and thighs.
Since fat cells no longer multiply after puberty, this means that fat cells that are removed during liposuction, tummy tuck, and/or brachioplasty are gone for good. Of course, proper nutrition and exercise will still be required because even the smallest amount of fat cells that remain after these procedures can grow up to any size when the patient becomes negligent of their fitness.