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Exercising After Top Surgery: 3 Things To Know

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What To Know About Top Surgery And Exercise

Getting ready for your top surgery requires you to make the necessary preparations for the upcoming changes. This can also present some challenges, which can cause you to fail to think about the care you’ll need post-surgery.You may want to get back to your normal activities as soon as possible, but keep in mind that you most likely won’t be able to do so the day after your transgender cosmetic surgery.

Top surgery is a surgical procedure. So you’ll need time to recover before resuming your regular routine.Following your doctor’s instructions is the best way to ensure a successful recovery. Your plastic surgeon will advise you to limit your physical activity for some time.May people ask about exercise prior to surgery. You CAN exercise and even workout with weights right up until the day before surgery but there are three things you need to know regarding exercising after top surgery.

  1. Start Walking: Patients should try to start walking as soon as possible after transgender cosmetic surgery. You do need to rest, but you’ll also need to be able to get around.The sooner you can walk, the sooner you can regain your self-sufficiency. Your doctor will provide you with the recommendations needed to help you transition back to walking.Walking is encouraged because it makes you more independent and supports the healing process. Walking helps oxygen and other nutrients circulate through your system and deliver them to the treated sites so that they can heal correctly.
  2. Keep Physical Activity At Safe Levels: Light physical activity like walking is fine, but any exercise that causes you to sweat should be avoided for the first few weeks after you’ve undergone transgender cosmetic surgery.For the first few weeks after your procedure, you should refrain from lifting any object that weighs more than 5 lbs. You want to avoid placing undue stress on surgical incisions, which can lead to complications and increase the risk of infection.If you overexert yourself, you could cause unnecessary health issues. The increased heart rate and blood pressure that accompany exercise can lead to excessive swelling at the surgical site along with other complications.
  3. Progress Gradually Over Time: You can begin to introduce some light cardio exercise after three weeks. Avoid using your arms too much during your cardiovascular activities, as this could put too much stress on your incisions.Most patients are able to get back to their usual exercise routine five to six weeks after their transgender cosmetic surgery. You may also begin to lift weights above the 5-lb limit at this time.

Consulting with your doctor is the best way to determine when you can begin to exercise after your FTM procedure. Understanding how exercise can support the healing process will give you better results while protecting you from common issues that can interfere with your transition process.